EL PUTGET I FARRO: an old district of Sant Gervasi

In 1879, the municipality of Sant Gervasi was divided into three distinct neighborhoods: La Bonanova, El Putget, and Lledó. There are reports that speak of the existence of a chapel at some point in the 17th century, but in any case, the urbanization of this area began around 1870 when the bourgeoisie built a series of towers (Catalan mansions) and moved from the center of Barcelona due to poor living conditions in the old town.


SANT GERVASI-GALVANY. Originally a market and a park.

This neighborhood is located at the eastern end of the old village of Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, between Avinguda Diagonal and Ronda del Mig. The current name was taken from the names of new urban developments that were beginning to occupy this area during the second half of the 19th century, such as Camp de les Figueres, Turó de Modolell, and Camp d'en Galvany.


SANT GERVASI-LA BONANOVA. An old bourgeois town

The rugged terrain formed by hills, ravines, and gorges helps explain why this area was scarcely inhabited for many years, surrounding its small urban center. The name comes from a small rural parish dedicated to the patron saint San Gervasio. The parish became a municipality in 1716, bringing along its governing bodies.


THE THREE TOWERS. From Mansions to Apartments

Les Tres Torres was an area on the outskirts of Sant Gervasi, near the border with the municipality of Sarrià. Between 1901 and 1903, at the initiative of the brothers Romaní and Climent Mas i Soldevila, the urbanization of this land began.


SARRIÀ. Wind, streams, houses, and convents

The name Sarrià may come from Sirriano, Sarius, or Serius, and may have first appeared in property sale documents in the year 986.


District of Sants-Montjuïc

The district of Sants-Montjuic is the largest in the city, covering an area of 2,090 hectares, and the third largest in terms of population, with over 180,000 inhabitants. The district encompasses the southern part of the city, uniting the former districts II and V, as well as different areas of the Zona Franca. It is a diverse area that includes the incredible Montjuic Park (one of the city's largest cultural and leisure spaces and also a significant green lung), the Zona Franca (industrial zone), and the port of Barcelona.


Sarrià – Sant Gervasi

The Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district is one of the largest in Barcelona and includes part of Collserola, the city's largest green space.


Sant Andreu

The earliest preserved document referring to the parish term of Sant Andreu dates back to the year 990. However, it wasn't until 1716 that the town of Sant Andreu ceased to be part of Barcelona to become an independent entity. Its geographical location favored population growth, as it was situated on the road that connected the city of Barcelona with the Vallès region.


Nou Barris

This district is located north of Barcelona, it was sparsely populated but during the decades of the 1950s and 1960s it received a strong influx of working-class migration from other regions of Spain in search of job opportunities.


Horta - Guinardó

It is the third largest district in Barcelona, after Sants-Montjuïc and Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, covering 1192 hectares and with over 170,000 inhabitants.


Distrito de les Corts

Les Corts is located in the west of the city, it is the third smallest district with 6.08 km2 and the least populated in Barcelona with 81,288 inhabitants.


Pedralbes. A bourgeois space.

The toponym Petras Albas or white stones, documented in the year 986 and referring to the color of the rocks, was taken from the estate that occupied the area, from which the current name of the neighborhood derives. Queen Elisenda de Montcada founded the Monastery of the Clarisses in 1327.


LA MATERNITAT & SANT RAMON: Place of large facilities

The name of the neighborhood comes from the combination of the names of the two most important urban nuclei: Sant Ramon and the Casa de la Maternitat i Expòsits. In 1935, the parish of Sant Ramon Nonato was built, in a Neo-Romanesque style designed by the architect Enric Sagnier.


LES CORTS. A layout of streets and squares.

In this neighborhood lies the oldest area of ​​the district, which still preserves the original urban layout and corresponds to the former municipality of Les Corts. The urban landscape is diverse and heterogeneous, due to the coexistence of different eras, architectures, and activities.



This area is one of the most important green spaces in the metropolitan area, as it includes open areas, an ecological reserve, and places for sports and leisure activities.


Horta. A surname and an ancient village

The area that currently comprises the district has its origins in Horta, where several noble families owned significant properties.


GUINARDÓ. From orchards and farmhouses converted into buildings

Until the last decades of the 19th century, Guinardó was a rural territory of orchards and crops. Salvador Riera, who initiated the urbanization of the neighborhood in 1896, became an important figure in shaping the neighborhood's history.
